Kinds of Blockchains and how can they Benefit You

There are four distinct flavors of blockchains available today. The following are some of them:


Private Distributed Ledger Technology Networks

Private blockchains are those that are run on closed networks and are often effective for use by privately held companies and organisations. Private blockchains provide businesses the opportunity to tailor their accessibility and authorisation choices, as well as the parameters with which they interact with the network and other crucial security options. In a private blockchain network, there is only one authority that governs the network.

Blockchain Networks Open to the Public

The first blockchains were made available to the public, which helped spread awareness of distributed ledger technology. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies got their start using blockchains (DLT). Public blockchains also assist minimise some difficulties and problems, such as security vulnerabilities and centralization, which is a significant advantage. In a distributed ledger technology (DLT), the data is not kept in a centralised place but rather is dispersed throughout a peer-to-peer network. When confirming the validity of information, a consensus algorithm is used; proof of stake (PoS) and proof of work (PoW) are two techniques of reaching an agreement that is utilised rather commonly.


Blockchain Networks That Require User Authorization

Permissioned blockchain networks, which are also often called hybrid blockchains, are private blockchains that only enable authorised persons to have access to unique features and data. Typically, organisations would build up these kinds of blockchains in order to get the best of both worlds. Additionally, this sort of blockchain makes it possible to better organise who may participate in the network and in what kinds of transactions.

Blockchains operated by Consortiums

Consortium blockchains, which are very similar to permissioned blockchains, feature both public and private components, but unlike permissioned blockchains, a single consortium blockchain network will be managed by numerous companies. Once they are up and running, these kinds of blockchains may provide a higher level of safety, despite the fact that they can be initially more difficult to set up. Additionally, consortium blockchains are the best option for working together with a number of different firms.


The Actions That Make Up a Transaction

The method through which Blockchain technology verifies and approves financial transactions is one of its most important characteristics. For instance, if two different people want to carry out a transaction using a private key and a public key, respectively, the first-person party to the transaction would attach the transaction information to the public key of the second-person party. This comprehensive material has been compiled into a block for your perusal.


The block includes a timestamp, a digital signature, and several other essential and pertinent pieces of information. It is important to take notice that the identities of the people who participated in the transaction are not included inside the block. After then, this block is broadcast to all of the network’s nodes, and the transaction is considered to have been successfully finalised when the appropriate party uses his private key to compare it to the information included in the block.



Mining is the process of adding transactional records to an existing digital or public ledger in Blockchain technology. Mining is also the name of the activity itself. Although it is most often used to refer to Bitcoin, the phrase may also be used to refer to other technologies that leverage the Blockchain. Mining is the process of creating the cryptographically secure hash of a block transaction. This ensures the integrity of the Blockchain and eliminates the need for a centralised administration authority.

A Brief Overview of Blockchain’s Past

In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto, whose true identity has never been established and still isn’t known to this day, was the first person to propose the idea of blockchains. Nakamoto used a mechanism that was similar to hashcash as the architecture continued to grow and advance over time. It ultimately evolved into a fundamental component of bitcoin, a well-known kind of cryptocurrency, where it now operates as a public ledger for all transactions that occur throughout the network. The file sizes of the Bitcoin blockchain, which included all of the transactions and information that occurred on the network, continued to expand significantly. It had reached 20 gigabytes by August of 2014, and it would ultimately go on to surpass 200 gigabytes by the beginning of 2020.



The high degree of security that can be provided by blockchains is one of the most significant benefits they provide. Because of this, blockchains are able to safeguard and secure sensitive data that is involved in online transactions. Anyone interested in transactions that are both quick and easy will find that blockchain technology provides this as well. The total time required is just a few minutes, although the completion of other transaction methods might take several days. In addition, there is no intervention from any other parties, such as monetary establishments or government agencies, which is something that many users see to be a benefit.



It has been stated that there have been issues with private keys, which is problematic given that blockchain and cryptography both necessitate the usage of public and private keys. If a user misplaces their private key, they are going to run into a lot of problems, which is one of the disadvantages of using blockchains. Another drawback is the constraints on scalability since there is a cap on the number of transactions that may take place on each node. As a result of this, it is possible that completing many transactions and other chores may take several hours. Another key drawback of blockchain technology is that once information has been recorded, it may be difficult to make changes to it or add new information.

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